Mathilde Navarro

Contemporary dance and Creative dance teacher

· Contemporary Dance
· Creative Dance
· Choreography

· Kids Contemporary and Creative Dance
· Adult Contemporary Dance

· Northern School of Contemporary Dance

Mathilde Navarro has a solid background in contemporary dance and is based between Brighton and Geneva. As a graduate of Northern School of Contemporary Dance, she has worked with over twenty choreographers, stage directors, artists, and collectives such as Alleyne Dance, Jane McKernan, and Pascal Merighi. She is a truly versatile artist that is highly driven in her domain. Mathilde is one of the choreographers, performers and  founding members of the Doppelganger Collective based in Geneva, Switzerland.

She is currently undertaking a master’s degree in International Event Management with the aim of combining her interest in art culture with dancing. Alongside of this, Mathilde is teaching dance workshops, as well as being one of a crew members of Sofar Sounds Brighton, a community of artists organising intimate music shows in 325 cities. Her career has taken her from Switzerland to the United Kingdom, via Sweden and Brussels, amongst others. 

Mathilde’s style of movement is mainly based on floor work and on finding efficient ways to go into and out of the floor. The notion of instinct and risks is an inspiration to develop new actions of movements reflecting our everyday life. How can we use our physicality to express what words cannot communicate?